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Create and pass a logicType​

To add TypeScript support to your logic, create a logicType, and pass it as the kea function's type argument:

import { kea, actions, reducers } from 'kea'

import { loginLogicType } from './loginLogicType'

const loginLogic = kea<loginLogicType>([
setUsername: (username: string) => ({ username }),
username: ['keajs', { setUsername: (_, { username }) => username }],
// ...

This provides automatic typing wherever you use the logic:

Kea TypeScript React Component

Option 1: MakeLogicType<V, A, P>​

There are two ways you can get a logicType. The first is manually:

interface Values {
id: number
created_at: string
name: string
pinned: boolean

interface Actions {
setName: (name: string) => { name: string }

interface Props {
id: number

type myLogicType = MakeLogicType<Values, Actions, Props>

const myLogic = kea<myLogicType>([
setName: (name) => ({ name }),
name: ['', { setName: (_, { name }) => name }],
// etc

Option 2: kea-typegen​

The second way is with kea-typegen, which uses the TypeScript Compiler API to analyse your .ts files and generate type definitions for your logic.

Run kea-typegen write or kea-typegen watch and get a bunch of logicType.ts files:


The generated types will be automatically added to the kea() call.

import { kea } from 'kea'
import { githubLogicType } from './githubLogicType'

export const githubLogic = kea<githubLogicType>([
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ πŸ‘ˆ added automatically
actions({ skip }),
reducers({ skip }),
listeners(({ actions }) => ({ skip })),

It's a bit of extra work, but works like magic once set up!


First install the kea-typegen and typescript packages:

# if you're using yarn
yarn add --dev kea-typegen typescript

# if you're using npm
npm install kea-typegen typescript --save-dev

Running typegen​

  • While developing, run kea-typegen watch, and it'll generate new types every time your logic changes.
  • Run kea-typegen write to generate all the types, for example before a production build.
  • Finally, kea-typegen check can be used to see if any types need to be written

Here's a sample pacakge.json, that uses concurrently to run kea-typegen watch together with webpack while developing:

# if you're using yarn
yarn add --dev concurrently

# if you're using npm
npm install concurrently --save-dev
"scripts": {
"start": "concurrently \"yarn start:app\" \"yarn start:kea\" -n APP,KEA -c blue,green",
"start:app": "webpack-dev-server",
"start:kea": "kea-typegen watch --write-paths"

When should you specify types?​

With TypeGen, you should only need to specify each type once. This means at the boundaries: the action parameters and any defaults, including in reducers or loaders. Everything else, including various return types, should be detected automatically.

import { Blog } from './blog'
import { logicType } from './logicType'

export const LocalType = 'YES' | 'NO'

// The kea<...> part is automatically added and kept up to date by kea-typegen
const logic = kea<logicType<LocalType>>([
openBlog: (id: number, blog?: Blog) => ({ id, blog }), // πŸ‘ˆ add types here
closeBlog: (answer: LocalType) => ({ answer }),
blogId: [
null as number | null, // πŸ‘ˆ null now, but sometimes a number πŸ™€
{ openBlog: (_, { id }) => id, closeBlog: () => null },
closeBlog: ({ answer }) => {

Files generated with kea-typegen will automatically import any types they can, and add the rest as type arguments for kea<logicType<LocalType, LocalUser>>

Create logic-builder-type-builders​

If you're building custom logic builders, and want typegen to automatically generate types, you must write a logic-builder-type-builder. πŸ˜…

This involves creating a typegen.ts or a setters.typegen.ts file next to your setters.ts builder. This file should export a function with the same name as the builder, and similar to the builder, add various actions, reducers and other features on the type of the logic.

Check out the sample typedForm.typegen.ts, or the more full-featured typegen.ts from kea-forms, for examples of such type builders.


These type builders area a new area of development for kea, starting with 3.0, and we're working on making this API simpler for all. For now, you'll need to know how the TypeScript Compiler API works, and write code to manipulate TypeScript Nodes and TypeNodes.

ProTip: Get a useful debugger, and use the TypeScript AST Viewer.

Caveats / Known issues​

  1. Using namespaced types like ExportedApi.RandomThing is slightly broken. You may sometimes need to create an interface that extends the original type, and use that in your actions/reducers. Creating a type alias will not work, as "One difference is that interfaces create a new name that is used everywhere. Type aliases don’t create a new name β€” for instance, error messages won’t use the alias name". For example:
interface RandomThing extends ExportedApi.RandomThing {}
  1. Alternatively, disable such errors in your logicType.tsx files, by passing --add-ts-nocheck to kea-typegen.

  2. With some tools you might need to "Reload All Files" or explicitly open logicType.ts to see the changes.

  3. Adding types with logic.extend() isn't implemented yet.

Found a bug? Some type wrongly detected? Post an issue in the kea-typegen repository.

Questions & Answers

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