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Kea stores all of its runtime data on a context. When you import kea, it comes with a default empty context.


Call resetContext before you render your app and connect all the different plugins to it.

Here are all the options you can pass to it:

import { resetContext } from 'kea'

export default resetContext({
// Plugins
plugins: [sagaPlugin, loadersPlugin, routerPlugin],

// Create a redux store when resetting the context (no options).
createStore: true,

// Create a redux store when resetting the context (with options).
createStore: {
// otherwise pass the following
// what root paths are available for kea
paths: ['kea', 'scenes'],

// additional reducers that your app uses
reducers: {},

// preloaded state for redux, used only with all non-kea reducers
preloadedState: undefined,

// middleware that gets passed to applyMiddleware(...middleware)
middleware: [],

// the compose function, defaults to the one from redux-devtools-extension or compose from redux
compose: composeWithDevTools || compose,

// gets passed to compose(middleware, ...enhancers)(createStore)
enhancers: [],

// global defaults for specific logic
defaults: {
scenes: {
some: {
logic: { key: 'value' },

// make a lot of noise
debug: false,

// after calling const builtLogic =; builtLogic.mount(),
// make fields like builtLogic.actions available on logic
proxyFields: true,

// if true, the defaults option takes keys like defaults:
// --> { 'scenes.some.logic': { key: 'value' } }
// if false, the defaults option takes keys like defaults:
// --> { scenes: { some: { logic: { key: 'value' } } } }
flatDefaults: false,

// how to regenerate the store when attaching a reducer to redux
// - dispatch = dispatch a ATTACH_REDUCER action
// - replace = silently replace the root reducer
attachStrategy: 'dispatch',

// how to regenerate the store when detaching a reducer to redux
// - dispatch = dispatch a DETACH_REDUCER action
// - replace = silently replace the root reducer
// - persist = never remove reducers from redux
detachStrategy: 'dispatch',


Call getContext() from anywhere to peek into the context

import { getContext } from 'kea'

getContext() ==
plugins: {
activated: [],
buildOrder: [],
buildSteps: {},
events: {},
logicFields: {},
contexts: {},

input: {
logicPathCreators: new Map(),
logicPathCounter: 0,
defaults: undefined,

build: {
cache: {},
heap: [],

mount: {
counter: {},
mounted: {},

reducers: {
tree: {},
roots: {},
combined: undefined,

store: undefined, // you can get a copy of redux's store from here

options: {
debug: false,
proxyFields: true,
flatDefaults: false,
attachStrategy: 'dispatch',
detachStrategy: 'dispatch',


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