Redux Compatibility
Kea uses redux
and reselect
under the hood, and it's very easy to connect it to an existing Redux application.
Accessing the Redux store
In listeners
or elsewhere, use getContext
to get Redux's store
import { kea, listeners, getContext } from 'kea'
const railsContext = (state) => state.railsContext // selector
const logic = kea([
someAction: () => {
// get the store
const { store } = getContext()
// use a selector to get a state
const { i18nLocale } = railsContext(store.getState())
// dispatch an action in return
store.dispatch({ type: 'REDUX_ACTION' })
Using Redux actions in reducers and listeners
You can use regular Redux actions in reducers and listeners. Just use their type
as a key:
import { kea, actions, reducers, listeners } from 'kea'
import { LOCATION_CHANGE } from 'connected-react-router'
const logic = kea([
doit: true,
reducers(({ actionTypes }) => ({
myValue: [
REDUX_ACTION: () => false, // use redux's action type
[LOCATION_CHANGE]: () => false, // use a type through a variable
doit: () => true, // local action
[actionTypes.doit]: () => true, // local action through a redux type
REDUX_ACTION: (payload) => {
// when the action with the type "REDUX_ACTION" is dispatched
[LOCATION_CHANGE]: (payload) => {
// when the location change action is dispatched
Using non-kea selectors in selectors
You can use regular selectors in your selectors
const localeSelector = (state) => state.railsContext.i18nLocale
const logic = kea([
someValue: [
(selectors) => [localeSelector,, () => '!'],
(i18nLocale, name, point) => `${name} in ${i18nLocale} is "John"${point}`,
Converting Redux actions and selectors into Kea actions and values
You may pull in data from any part of the Redux state tree with connect({ values })
Instead of passing a logic to fetch from, pass a selector:
import { kea, connect } from 'kea'
import someLogic from './someLogic'
const logic = kea([
values: [
// instead of logic like this
['prop1', 'prop2'],
// pass a selector
(state) => state.rails,
['i18nLocale', 'currentUserId'],
// get everything as 'myForm'
(state) => state.form.myForm,
['* as myForm'],
// then use `currentUserId` and others as they were local values
Similarly, use an object of action creators and select the ones you need:
import { kea, connect } from 'kea'
import someLogic from './some-logic'
const actionsCreators = {
doSomething: () => ({ type: 'DO_SOMETHING', payload: {} }),
otherAction: ({ id }) => ({ type: 'OTHER_ACTION', payload: { id } }),
const logic = kea([
actions: [
// instead of logic like this
['action1', 'action2'],
// pass an object of action creators
['doSomething', 'otherAction'],
// they will be automatically binded to dispatch
Using Kea actions and selectors elsewhere
If the redux-only part of your app needs access to some values or actions from kea logic stores,
use logic.actionCreators
and logic.selectors
for interoperability. Don't forget to mount
the logic first:
const logic = kea([
actions({ addOne: true }),
reducers({ myNumber: [0, { addOne: (state) => state + 1 }] }),
selectors({ myNumberDouble: [(s) => [s.myNumber], (n) => n * 2] }),
// The logic must be mounted before you can access its fields
// This is done automatically when a React component is using it.
// If you're using Kea outside React, call logic.mount() manually to have
// access to all the fields below.
const unmount = logic.mount()
// Dispatch an action to add something
// Create an action (returns the object { type: 'add one ...', payload: {} })
// and then dispatch it
// Selectors for querying redux (state defaults to getState())
// Shorthand for selectors (implemented as getters)
// call unmount when you're done
See the docs on logic properties for more details.
Questions & Answers
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