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Live-Replay Logic Testing

ยท One min read
Marius Andra

Big news, we have a brand new logic testing framework!

Read all about it in the updated Testing guide!

Here's a teaser:

import { expectLogic, partial } from 'kea-test-utils'

it('setting search query loads remote items', async () => {
await expectLogic(logic, () => {
.toDispatchActions(['setSearchQuery', 'loadRemoteItems'])
searchQuery: 'event',
remoteItems: partial({
count: 0,
results: [],
remoteItemsLoading: true,
searchQuery: 'event',
remoteItems: partial({
count: 3, // got new results
results: partial([partial({ name: 'event1' })]),
remoteItemsLoading: false,

Oh, and Kea 2.5 is out as well, featuring logic.isMounted() and a bunch of fixes from the 2.4 series.

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